The Company

A dream country, Çıplak Ayaklar Kumpanyası was founded in 2003, in Istanbul’s vibrant neighborhood Beyoğlu. Made up mostly of dancers with contemporary backgrounds, the Company started with first independent shows Why, İnçu, Çima, Neden… It has come a long way until today with shows such as Mehmet Barış’ı Seviyor (Mehmet Loves Barış), Engin-ar, Şehirde (In the City), Ters Okyanus (Reverse Ocean), Kontrol (Control), Sen Balık Değilsin Ki (You’re Not a Fish), Kız Doğdu (A Girl is Born), Tüh!, Hayat Ağacı (Tree of Life), Gomidas’la Yolculuk (Journey with Gomidas), Hiçbir Şey Yerinde Değil (Nothing is in Place), Gölge Veri (Data Shadow) and Taşıdıklarımız (The Things We Carry).

Since its founding, Çıplak Ayaklar Kumpanyası valued production through sharing and achieved forming its own language. Over time, this production expanded through forms of body, movement, shows and workshops, earning the Company not only its own audience but also help enlist new amateur and professional dancers into the field.

Today, the Company continues its dances in pursuit of its dream utopia.


Çıplak Ayaklar Kumpanyası
prefers to be the broken string of the instrument rather than the player.
It is open to any kind of dream.It is against all forms of violence.
It might be useful for thinking, discussing, and talking.
It does not have to be kept beyond the reach of children.
It prefers “singing songs rather than listening to songs”.
It is in the process of experimentation and it prefers to remain so.
It dreams to form a multiple structure through dance, theater, music, video,etc.
It is itself “a dream-land” referred to by İlhan Berk in his poem “Bare Foot”,or is in the search of such a “dream-land”.

La compagnie Çıplak Ayaklar Kumpanyası
préfère être la corde qui casse, plutôt que le joueur de saz.
Elle est ouverte à tous les rêves. Puissions-nous nous multiplier…
Il suffit d’une corde qui casse pour se comprendre.
Nous sommes contre toute discrimination et toute violence.
Penser, discuter, parler ne peut pas faire de mal.Il n’y a pas de mal à se cacher à la portée des enfants.
Plutôt que d’écouter des chansons, nous préférons chanter.La compagnie créé ses propres miracles.
Elle est au stade expérimental et espère le rester pour toujours.“Danseur-acteur-comédien-musicien-vidéo…”
Nous rêvons de créer une structure polyvalente.Comme l’a dit İlhan Berk dans son poème “Les pieds nus”, nous sommes un “pays imaginaire”, ou à la recherche “de ce pays imaginaire…”
Çıplak Ayaklar Kumpanyası
prefiere ser la cuerda rota del instrumento antes que el concertista.
Está abierta a sueños de cualquier tipo. Qué bueno sería si nos multiplicáramos…
Aunque solo una cuerda rota es suficiente. Está contra toda forma de violencia. Puede ser útil para pensar, discutir y hablar.No es necesario mantenerla fuera del alcance de los niñas.
Prefiere cantar más que escuchar canciones.
Está en proceso de experimentación y prefiere permanecer así. Sueña con formar una estructura multifacética a través de la danza, el teatro, la música, el vídeo, etc.
Es un “país de los sueños” en sí misma, como dice İlhan Berk en su poema “Pie Descalzo” o está en búsqueda de ese “país de los sueños”.



Firuzağa Mah. Çukur Cuma Cad. No:6/3 Beyoğlu-İstanbul

Çıplak Ayaklar Stüdyosu
Çıplak Ayaklar'la Dans